Recommended Reading

There are many books that have inspired us, challenged us, and helped us on this journey so far.  We would highly recommend you checking them out!

"Choosing to SEE" by Mary Beth Chapman
A Journey of Struggle and Hope

Originally given to us as we dealt with the loss of Elijah. It planted the seed for adoption over a year ago.

"Kisses from Katie" by Katie Davis
A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption

This one rocked my world (Brittani) and showed the beauty of radically living in accordance with God's word instead of the what the world tells us.

"The Strength of Mercy" by Jan Beazely
Making a Difference in the World One Child at a Time

This is a wonderful narrative of how God orchestrates even the smallest details in our lives, and allows for His will to come to fruition.

"Adopted for Life" by Russel Moore
The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches

We've just started this one, but already, it has changed our perspectives and raised very pertinent questions. Focuses on how we, as Christians, are adopted into God's family, and how we are all called to care for the orphans and widows.  We are challenged to the core.

"Adopt Without Debt" by Julie Gumm
Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption

A really great, easy read! I devoured it in about an hour and a half! It is chock full of wonderful ideas for fundraising ideas, trimming your monthly budgets, grant information, etc.  It is so encouraging to read the examples of others who have fully funded their adoptions without going into is possible...even though it seems overwhelming at first!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading Kisses for Katie! :) I posted some books for adoptive parents on my blog the other day:

    :) Ami
